================ Oracle Provider ================ In several places in the Mero protocol there is a need for on chain price oracles. Most notably for token swaps to get an appropriate ``minAmountOut`` value for slippage protection. Instead of implementing this oracle logic in several places, the Oracle Provider is a contract to expose some useful views for use in the rest of the protocol. There are two main views exposed by the Oracle Provider: .. py:function:: OracleProvider.getPriceETH(address baseAsset) external view returns (uint256) Quotes the ETH price of ``baseAsset``. * ``baseAsset``: The asset of which the price is to be quoted. .. py:function:: OracleProvider.getPriceUSD(address baseAsset) external view returns (uint256) Quotes the USD price of ``baseAsset``. * ``baseAsset``: The asset of which the price is to be quoted.